A new trike.

Just messing around with pen and paper trying different steering options and I came up with this idea: a couple of push pull levers each connected to the hub in front and the hubs connected via a tie rod. Apparently, I've re-invented the wheel - it's called 'tank steering'.

So, I have tank steering, meaning the levers just move for back and forward so they don't need to be set widely apart to miss the thighs as on underseat steering. The modified Ackerman theory I've employed ensures the inner wheel describes a lesser arc than the out wheel so no tyre scrub, the caster and camber lean the wheels into a turn and centrepoint geometry negates bump steer. Can't wait to ride this thing, just the design of the steering is getting m excited!

hopefully it'll perform as well as it should. Now, if I could just get those Chinese suppliers to deliver the tie rod ends I could move forward a little!



Almost finished, added the fork stays, chain idler brackets today, gave it a bit of a grind and put it together to make sure everything fits and nothing fouls. Tomorrow I'll attach the front deraileur cable and give it a test ride. Don't have a good feeling about the push pull steering but, tomorrow will tell. Very, very comfortable. The MTB I canabalised for parts weighed in at 19 kgs, my goal was to get under that - fail, it is exactly the same 19kgs. Not too bad considering the MTB had an alloy frame I suppose. I have drawn up some more plans to save a kg or two - one day.

Test rode it today- brilliant. The lever steering is truly terrific but, I will add some more holes for adjustment. Amazing the difference quality cycle parts make: with Deore rear wheel, gear train, shifters and Tektro hydraulic brakes it is really nice to ride/drive - smooth and fast. If you're thinking about lever steering, do it! Now the hard part, cleaning it up. Unfortunately not being able to use my hands without three prong wrist braces I have trouble with the hand piece, can't bend or twist so the results are terrible. Almost all the welds have to be cleaned up, again difficult with these hands so might be a while before it's painted and on the road, can't wait. I have metalic silver which I intend using on to, the bottom may be black, haven't made a D yet.








Nearing the finish line. Undercoating done and tomorrow, hands being ok, I'll hit the spray gun: black for the levers, stubs and seat, metalic silver for the chassis. I picked up some thin (1/8"), grey, yoga mat from KMart the other day with a nice patern, should look nice on a black background.

Very hand intensive spray guns, I have to use wrist braces, use two hands and then lie down for a couple of days to recover. Not my favourite job anymore. I saw the pain specialist this morning and he's prescribed some stronger pain meds so hopefully they'll work better than the other rubbish.

The braces have three aluminium strips running the length of them, I wear them pretty well all the time now, can't do a thing without them. Only problem is I lose a lot of the movement required for painting and welding. Thank goodness for grinders and bog!


These are the stubs, lot of work involved here lining up and so on as they aren't identical.

Well, almost there, frame painted and I've almost finished assembling. I can't tell you how disappointed I am though. Unfortunately, due to hand problems welding was an issue, an issue I went someway to resolving by bogging over some of the welds and darkening the silver metalic paint to a charcoal metalic. Looks alright from a distance, but up close it turns my stomach. Anyway a picture of some bits that came out halfway decent. I'll be looking at retiring from such endeavours in the future, way beyond me now. Damn!

Done, all together, just got to adjust the deraileurs. the front one doesn't want to play so I have that set on the middle gear. going to see if I can fix it or another exy bit. some pics








Shiny seats look nice but going around corners are a little disconcerting so I stuck some 3mm yoga mat to the top pf the three panela, much better.
