A little rant to make me feel better

Equally stupid are the labels aimed at the "all natural" and gullible crowd.
I've seen labels that claim "Contains no chemicals!"
So what? It's a jar of perfect vacuum then?
But somehow the label also says it includes X% of your recommended intake of calcium, iron, etc.
So logically those cannot be chemicals?

I always wondered how chemicals added to preserve freshness worked; mini time machine nanobots ?
While serving in an infantry battalion in a combat zone in Afghanistan the Army wouldn't let me have my eggs sunny side up. That was too dangerous.
As many of you know I used to be a chef and I actually know the probable reason for this.
I can remember when we were stopped from making fresh mayonaise and hollandaise sauces because of it.
All birds have a high level of salmonella on their skin and often in their blood which is why most of us dont eat under cooked poultry.
It was found that battery farmed eggs were also building up high levels of salmonella in the yolks.
We received a warning from the health department stating that raw egg products must not be produced and no runny yolks in cooked eggs as it would cause food poisoning.
It was so bad that if I remember correctly Denmark replaced all of their egg laying hens with new healthy hens that had been tested to produce non salmonella infected yolks and changed the sheds to a cleaner regime.
The majority of battery egg farms today have better hygiene conditions that should have solved the problem.
One reason to only eat free range eggs where the chances are very low.
I still eat sunny side up, fresh mayo (not that vinegary crap from bottles) and awesome fresh hollandaise on my asparagus.
I am immediately sending the work safety people to you, to examine your soapbox for proper step reinforcing and safety handrailing, as well as handicap access ramping, and height limitations for those afflicted with acrophobia.
Don't forget anti-skid pads, and a surrounding of mulch ........WAIT!!!WAIT...... he may be allergic to the mulch, better make it sand.

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Wait the anti skid pads, Oh they are rough and they could get scratches from them. you have to use the rubbery stuff.
They use to say you had to put all the pictures etc in manuals for the army so they could learn to do things, Now it seams you have to do that for all of them, and then sent someone out to still teach them how to do it, Then get griped at because you did not find a way to reminded them each time how it was to be done.
I had a military manual for a Harley 45 that made me totally crack up.
There were twp pictures on how to fall off a Harley Motorcycle
One was with the bike on its side and the rider about 6 feet away laying down.
It was labeled "Right"
The other was a picture of the rider laying down with the bike laying accross him.
It was labeled "Wrong"
I was reading the manual that came with my band saw, explaining how to safely use and maintain it. It was chock full of warnings about the dangers of being in close proximity to rapidly moving saw blades, blah, blah, blah. I got a paper cut. There was no warning. Should I sue?

Now days I'm surprised someone has not started doing just that, Your paper is to sharp, thus a danger so you owe me$$$$$$$. But those little Buggers some times hurt more than a big cut.
How bad it is getting, At work the other day, we have a file system that is for temp storage of their files while we give them a new computer. We have told them time and again that it is temp for just a few days, unless other arrangements are made. Well I went in and cleaned out stuff that had been there for several weeks. One person went to the boss and complained it did not warn them before I deleted it. Thus now they want we to individually warn people before I delete something from a temp file system. What is this world coming to. who knows.
As I read these newer post , the aspca adds on tv, right I love animals but to spend tons of money to save one half dead seems wrong . Send us $19.00 per month well save the animals ,all while our veterans sleep and die in the streets . I applaud and send donations to the vfw and have for years even tho my income is under poverty level. Yes I'm not afraid or proud of it but being disabled it's what it is. We're eligible for food stamps but we don't even ask. My extra little I make selling used equipment helps us survive and makes me feel like I'm at least trying to support my wife and now my grand daughter.
So for all of us animal lovers I think the veteran animal deserves more help then dogs and the leaches who take that money for themselves. Rant rant rant ah that feels better