A little rant to make me feel better

I live in California. Don't get me started.
I feel sorry for you, I can't imagine how you make anything out there because EVERYTHING has something bad in it according to someone who knows nothing about anything is in charge out there.
I feel sorry for you, I can't imagine how you make anything out there because EVERYTHING has something bad in it according to someone who knows nothing about anything is in charge out there.

And that is why I'm moving to Nevada.
About 15 years ago, I bought a fly tying vise from a company in California. It came with a tag written in full bore lawyerese that said in so many words “Don’t eat this object because California has discovered that ingesting certain ingredients in it can cause cancer.”

I still have it in the freezer. I'm afraid to eat it.


P.S. More recently, I saw a similar sign posted at the entrance to a hotel in Emeryville, CA. Luckily I saw the sign just as I was about to take a bite out of the building. Close call, that one.
Don't matter what you do someone will have an opinion on it. The powers that be like to raise their voice against anything that people will listen to....Smoke...mirrors...and snake oil...Ya can't sail to the end of the world you will fall off...It will never get off the ground...It will never work...It can't be done...If not for people like us that won't let them tell us how to think , eat or live the world would be far worse...Stay strong live long and laugh in their face...**G**