I would like to introduce myself to the group. First of all I am new to this hobby although I have always been interested in all things mechanical, I have been restoring old Farmall tractor for the last few years as a hobby before retiring 2 years ago. I worked for a paper company 36 years and had to take a medical retirement after a few heart attacks.
Now with plenty of time i've decided to take up machining as a new stress outlet. I purchased a older lathe from a co-worker to start with an now I have 3 lathes,a Bridgeport type mill and assorted other tooling . I was quite happy when I found this sight as it has a wealth of information that I have already found to very useful. My other resource for learning comes by of a friend that worked as a machinist for 40 years in the paper industry. Tips he has shown me have been very useful and he has inspired me to want to learn more.
So that's about me. I look forward to making friends with the folks on this forum and hopefully I too can pass along some of my limited knowledge that someone may find useful.