The thread is 1.25mm and the front lens cell will be painted the same colour as that cast section.
There will be a small section in brass (if all goes well) that has a smaller internal dia to act as the joiner to the main tube and as an optical stop.
I had to cast that section because the internal dia of that front part is 83mm dia at the front reducing down to 76 for the first stop, the 80mm tube has an internal dia of 74 which just fits the optical light cone where it will screw into the joiner.
In all, the focal length requires three optical stops to prevent grazing reflections from entering the eyepiece and I decided to machine them as joiners.
Most telescopes just push sheet metal ones down the tube but I thought that as the tube will be over a meter in length it would be nice to be able to dismantle it into shorter sections for traveling.