80% AR15 Lower Completion

I have the LMS and I am going to CNC mine, I plan on doing a 45 acp and also a AR15 on mine.. When the time is right..

OakRidge didn't mention jigs (oops, maybe he did - ?LMS?) but I'm assuming that if he's going to CNC them then the commercial jigs are unnecessary - a couple pieces of aluminum shaped to the outside of the receiver will do fine.

If using a hand drill or press than I'd want a commercial jig, but right now I'm shaping jigs per Ray-Vin's manual and plan on using those with a BP for probably a 20% forging (or maybe a zero, I haven't decided yet).
For a jig, look at cnc guns.
+1 for the rayvin guide but also take a look how Justin did his at cnc guns, I got ideas from both. I am not finished but started with 0% lower.
Take a look at goobers posts there, lots of knowledge and nice guy.

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I have not been able to get CNC Guns to open the past couple of days..

But now thanks to a fellow over on the zone. i have the complete blueprints.. for a 1911
holly smoke batman do you think i can get a copy of those 1911 i would love to try my hand at a build from a billet. can understand if you cant thought i would ask that never kills nobody i think :rofl:
Blackhawk, do you have a link to Justin's build on cnc? I am getting ready to start a 0 and want all the info I can get before I decide on how to do it!

Awesome, thanks very much! I'll read up on them tonight.

I am going to do this one old school. I have a DRO Bridgeport that does most of my milling work at the shop, so that will be the tool I use. Only issue it has is that the Z axis DRO doesn't work and I haven't figured out yet how to get the auto feed to work for the X and Y, but that hasn't really caused my any issues yet and I don't foresee it being a problem here on this build. I'm going to start with a 0% forging, have a couple backups on the way just in case I make a big mistake... LOL
Where did you get your lowers?

Hope i don't get banned for posting this but here is my hill billy dro, what can i say, i was desperate and it worked:lmao:

lanham, formerly of buckhannon west virginia.:nuts:

bilbilly dro.JPG

bilbilly dro.JPG