Now we come to the part that turns most newcomers away from clock building I hope I can make this as painless as possible.
Firstly a list of the divisions required.
192 Great wheel
100 Centre wheel
96 3rd & hour wheels
52 Minute wheels
32 ratchet
30 scape
8 pinions
Those of you with dividing heads will not find this hard although you may find the plates for 192 and 52 are not in your set but it is easy to make these .
Dividing can be done directly by having a disc with the correct number of holes to match the gear
A well known clock maker used old band saw blades ,cut off the required number of teeth, measure the length , make a wooden disc the correct diameter, and fit the blade around it???? I have heard of old 8mm film being used in the same way??
So I thought this is not the best intro to clock making so I have made a Master Disk, it has all the divisions required to make this clock and it will be available on loan when you are ready to cut your gears.
It is made of perspex ( the only material i have available ) so will require using with care, But the advantage is its light to post.
If you need help fitting tis to your lathe or mill I am shure you are in the right place to get it.