3 for 3 so far .

it works because its ethanol free. I just get non eth at the pump. the only thing I run ethanol gas in is my truck.
it works because its ethanol free. I just get non eth at the pump.
I run up to Pa 20 minutes away and get the un-ethanol also . It's helped over the years . I think I need to do some cleaning on these saws as they all ran last year . I had the same issues with the weed whackers earlier on .
it works because its ethanol free. I just get non eth at the pump. the only thing I run ethanol gas in is my truck.
I put that garbage in my vehicle the first year I moved to Utah, They call it E-85 here. What most people don't understand about it is, You get 20 to 25% less fuel economy, So even though it's 10 cents a gallon cheaper because it's subsidized, You are burning much more fuel and it costs you much more. Plus eventually it will deteriorate any rubber in the fuel system unless your vehicle is branded "Flex-Fuel".
yup. if the ethanol gets more than a few months old without being used up it is bad. if it dries up inside a carburetor it can stiffen up the diaphragms, rot rubber fuel lines and clog the small passages. if you get a dried-up yellowish powder in the carb, it's almost impossible to clean properly.

I have about 15 or more classic chainsaws I've redone. none ran when I got them, and most were dirt cheap for that reason. some just needed carb kits and ran like new. sometimes the fuel line in the tank rots and falls apart so the carb isn't getting fuel. sometimes the impulse line from the crankcase which works the fuel pump diaphragm cracks, and it won't pump. with chainsaw and other 2 stroke power equipment, you have to get the carb passages really clean. I put compressed air thru all the holes, except you need to know where the check valve is and DO NOT use compressed air in that passage. use carb cleaner with the little straw on the can. compressed air will damage the check valve. I found out the hard way.
I put that garbage in my vehicle the first year I moved to Utah, They call it E-85 here. What most people don't understand about it is, You get 20 to 25% less fuel economy, So even though it's 10 cents a gallon cheaper because it's subsidized, You are burning much more fuel and it costs you much more. Plus eventually it will deteriorate any rubber in the fuel system unless your vehicle is branded "Flex-Fuel".
so far florida has only allowed use of 10% ethanol. still won't put it in anything but my truck.
I have had a John Deere JS60 lawnmower for >30 years, still starts on the first good pull. 5 years ago it was not running well, and I had to use 3 pulls to start it (!!). 37 bucks later for a complete carb, and now it runs like new.