2021 POTD Thread Archive

today I fixed my small universal bench vise that the threads stripped out. I found that I use it a lot for small projects and had to get it back in working condition. I had to make a new inner part and thread it.
when putting it back together I found that I had reinstalled the bad part so had to take it apart and install the new part--I guess I'm slipping, but now it works again. Dave
Were those Acme threads all the way though? You've done good.:aok:
Not from the shop, but rather my computer. I was tinkering with AutoCAD, a new version, trying to generate new "muscle memory" for some of the functions transitioning from Ver 2005 to Ver 2007. At the same time transitioning from WinDoze XP to WinDoze 10 on a 64 bit wide processor. Quite a lot to learn at my age. . .

Anyway, I was working on a "circular array" with an odd number of points, with 127 being on my mind. So ended up with a pattern sheet for a metric conversion fraction plate if anyone needs one. It prints a fuzz undersize on my (archaic) HP-932 printer, so the circles are closer to 1/16 and 1/8 diameter. It is done with 'vector graphics' rather than X-Y coordinates. So long as the radius is concentric, it is accurate enough for use. In PDF format, so it should be widely accepted for printing.


Not metal working but a nice project.

We have lawn irrigation but I opened up new area and wanted water there. I could have called the irrigation guy but I did have a few extra channels in the controller and the Rain Bird manifold was just $60 at Lowe’s.
Connected the garden hoses and ran doorbell wire to the controller. Now I can use the house spigot and control it like the others

key is to be sure no leaks from the spigot.

I have a cover but will watch it uncovered a few days to be sure no leaks

At the other end are regular heads that usually are buried. I got some lower cost Harbor Freight 3/4 inch hose and just cut the lengths I wanted. Connected the ends needed.

So as if the sprinklers are under and I can move them until I really like it for maybe a plan later to install

If you didn’t have a controller check Craigslist used ones come up and low price


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Were those Acme threads all the way though? You've done good.:aok:
no it was a brass part and it had 7/16-14 threads approx 3/4". I made replacement part steel and hand tapped one inch of threads. it binds a little so I plan on removing about 1/2" of inner threads. the larger jaws are only 2 3/8" so it is a small vice.
So as if the sprinklers are under and I can move them until I really like it for maybe a plan later to install
That is a clever idea. I have a section I want to change from the rotary, to the pop up mushroom sprinklers. I think I will try your method.
Hi Doug! My experience with Gyroscopes is that wheels with less mass than shown and with most of the mass out near the circumference of the wheel will run longer. Weight and friction are the enemies of Gyroscopes. Just a suggestion, your mileage may vary! Dave
Thanks Dataporter

I tried just the entire puck shape and had trouble getting the RPMs up. I will try this shape and see what happens. prototyping is fun!
Last few days the outside temps are hotter than ever, even kittens are looking for way to cool down. Because of this my brother has been bugging me to fix the A/C on the white elephant. I took it to couple of places that charge A/C units with freon they all have few days waiting lists and want half my paycheck. So i call around and found me a place that sells freon, bought this 12 kg R134a in a very good recovery tank for 90$, so i bought it. Look thru my shed and found me a refrigerator motor attach a line to the suction side. To use as a vacuum pump, i borrowed a set of gauges, vacuumed the system and charged it. I used a bathroom scale to weight the freon and now the A/C is working better then ever.