Well the machine gods were sure shining on me today, I’m having a hard time believing my good fortune.
I’ve been fooling around with the bent shaft from the arm of my Singer 306 (the one that gave me such a headache trying to get out of the machine). With all the parts off the shaft now I got a better idea of the bend, and it was pretty significant. The min-max deviation easily exceeded once around on the indicator (0.030”) and it’s pretty easy to see the droop on the end of the shaft in the photo. My hopes at being able to press that out were not great, I must say.
I have several different pairs of v-blocks but I didn’t want to risk putting dents or other deformities into the shaft so I decided to make a couple out of aluminum. They’re lower too, which I thought ought to make them more stable in the press. I used the shaper and just stepped my way down from one side first and then the other. Depth was not critical, only enough to hold the shaft stable. I also flattened one edge of each disc thinking it would be easier to register off of I needed to but in the end it wasn’t needed.
Here’s what the setup looked like on the press, minus the shaft. It’s a 10-ton (supposedly) press and on the first go I took it to 2. The bend was really localized because of how the shaft is supported within the machine chassis and I wasn’t sure how to position it to bend back at the right place. In the end it was kind of “… wheh, that looks about right…GRONK….”.
After three or four runs at it and going back to measure any progress each time I had it about as good as I thought I could get. The indicator was showing me about three thou either way so after a bit of final massaging to make sure all the necessary pieces could still slide on I took it back for a test in the chassis. Here’s what that looked like…
Like, almost imperceptible to the eye. Where before the hand wheel had wobbled nearly a quarter-inch it was now down to dang near perfect! Well, not
perfect but you know what I mean. Pretty pleased with that, now to see if I can put it all back together again
Thanks for looking.