For 15 yrs I've been pulling a 5/8" logging chain across my bridge railings when we leave in the winter, or anything more than a few days the rest of the year, and while the mind is willing, the body is starting to complain. So, had a bunch of old drill pipe in several diameters, and as free is my favorite price, it became the material of choice for my new quick and dirty gate. I did get to use the mill for one of the miter cuts. Also replaced one of the mower wheels in the railing that got knocked out a few yrs ago, and added some steel rod tie ins to it and the other three. The wheels are made from some form of cast steel and I had originally brazed them in as they wouldn't take any kind of weld, but they would eventually crack at the wheel. A few pics of the process, and result. Nothing very pretty, but it is functional. I did stand by it for awhile, and practice saying "may I see your papers please" in a bad German accent. Cheers, Mike