2017 - The Original "What Did You Buy Today?" Mega Thread

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50. Cent machine , ied like to see it but your using tapatalk and have not read how to upload tapatalk pics to this site
Got my new machine today Payd five Swedish kronor. Eight kronor is one dollar I bought it for fifty cents!!!! It was sold at an auction that never sells machines

Skickat från min F3111 via Tapatalk
I really like my "new to me" Bridgeport, but quickly got tired of cranking the knee up and down. Something like having to turn the crank 40 times to move the table 4" gets old really fast! Ordered an Asong Z-axis power feed from All Industrial Tool. Really happy to see the UPS man with this one! I'll submit a separate thread with the installing (already done), it was a bit of an adventure.


20171005_175705.jpg 20171005_180120.jpg
I like that pin wrench. Wish mine had replaceable tips. Sometimes too big, sometimes too small, rarely the correct size... :(

That pin wrench looks just like the Stanley Facom one. Anything Facom is expensive.

EDIT: With a closer look it looks it does say Facom on it, I can make out the Facom logo for sure.
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