I finally got the parts to convert the cross slide and compound of my PM1228 from 80 thousandths to 100 thousandths per turn. I switched them out this afternoon. After a bit of head scratching it got took apart and miraculously all went back together with no screws or springs left over. I was particularly impressed with myself that I didn't drop any of the little parts or screws and have to crawl around on the floor with a flashlight to find them.
Well, I did actually drop one of the little knob shaft keys, but it didn't disappear. I should go purchase a lottery ticket.
Included in the set were conversion parts for the tail stock. I'm not sure I will change it out. I actually never noticed (therefore, never used) the veneer dial on it. I've always just used the scale etched on the big sliding tube/morse taper doo-whacky.
Sorry, no pictures. My hands were way too greasy.