2016 POTD Thread Archive

You've got more "intestinal fortitude" than I. Should I do that, the 2" aluminum would spin wiping out my column and everything on it.
I was being pretty careful, the setup wasn't all that solid. I could feel it thinking about moving, especially at the bottom of the slot. :cautious:
I was being pretty careful, the setup wasn't all that solid. I could feel it thinking about moving, especially at the bottom of the slot. :cautious:
Do you think some machinist jacks would have helped stiffen-up the set-up?
Do you think some machinist jacks would have helped stiffen-up the set-up?
Yes, that and some clamps. But I was being lazy and really didn't need to take out that much material. Really just taking out the draft and some flash. The real point of that post was to illustrate a little outside-the-box thinking. I checked the setup by trying to the RT by grabbing it and trying to rotate it by hand and was not able to. So I went ahead with the cut. A couple of strips of emery cloth under the aluminum (grit side up) would have made a much more stable setup.
I finished up the part of my banjo project

Since the pivot locations are standard could you not have done the slots, just put the holes for the pivots where they go? My Mk2 has a Y shaped Banjo, I was wondering if I could figure out where the holes went and make at least a couple for the standard threads and feeds. Still would need to get sets of gears, though.
Spacing becomes much more critical if you can't adjust it on the fly.

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Since the pivot locations are standard could you not have done the slots, just put the holes for the pivots where they go?

You could, but then you are locked into those exact center distance combinations, having the slots like the stock banjo gives me the greatest range of combinations.

My lathe will work with 4 gear and 5 gear setups, but I chose to use just 5 gear combinations because it offered a greater range of feeds With the gears I currently own, I have 550,000+ valid combinations.