Here is a little project I have been working on. It is a swivel mount for my hose reel. It is the water hose for the garage. I think it turned out pretty good. I even made the pull pin. Never mind the extra holes in the wall, I discovered that it wouldn't swing open all the way because of the water spicket, so I mounted it to the next stud over. Oh well, nothing a little spackle and some paint won't fix.
It was a small job, but time critical. Sunday night my 15yo son was loading the dishwasher when one of the rack roller axles broke. Whether he was slamming dishes in or it's time was just up, I don't know, but broke it was. I knew that I couldn't glue whatever plastic it was made of, so off to the garage.
Had some 1/2" Al bar, so machined it down, drilled and threaded it. Cut it off with a hacksaw, since parting is kind of iffy, and faced the end. Since I don't have a mill I filed off the end so it would fit the slot in the bracket.
Found some stainless screws and the DW was back in business. I went ahead and made three more and installed them last night. My son is not happy since he is back on DW duty, but it justified the Craftsman lathe I bought earlier this year. Now if I can get the SB 9A up and running I could do this job in half the time.
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