20 Ton Press

Move complete! I think I am going to have to build one of those break press attachments for it in the future . That looks pretty handy.

I might have to upgrade to one of those air over hydraulic units some day (when I have a spare $120). For now, I added some less costly castors to make the unit mobile. Kind-of handy in my smallish (and presently dirty) shop.

I am a little curious, how do you guys with castors on your presses prevent them from moving around on you when you are using it? I think I'd have a problem with that.
You could use casters with brakes. Mine is happy in one spot, but I have a fair amount of room. Mike
You could use casters with brakes. Mine is happy in one spot, but I have a fair amount of room. Mike


True, but I have found that locking casters are a pain to deal with and are not nearly as free from movement as I'd like. I have the room too, mine is mounted on rubber leveling pads. I can visualize fighting press location while using it with casters, I'd struggle with that. To me it is like a vice, needs to be solid and to hold the work in one place. I can put some big and awkward parts in my press. I have on rare occasions pivoted (walked) the press on the leveling pads to gain some extra room. Now mind you, my press is only a little 12 ton HF.
Replacing the top four long bolts with eight short grade 5 bolt/nuts make a huge difference in rigidity. This also allows you to really square up the frame work.
I have not put the castors on yet, but have to move things around just to get access to use it. and if need to pull it out for something bigger than just a small part or to adjust height, then have to move it out. Which also involves moving Air Compressor and Mig. One of the things I though of was a set of castors on a lever action where I could pull the rod and raise it onto the castors, and released it would set back down on the brackets.