1" round rod, what can be made?

Found a 10' long section of round steel 1" in diameter. I cut off 12" length and cleaned it up a little, as it was buried in the dirt of my backyard.

I was thinking maybe a hammer but it looks like most machinist hammers use a aluminum handle.

What sort of stuff would you make or could be made from a 1" steel bar? With lathe only, no milling here, yet.


I found about 40 feet of 1/2" to 1" rods in 10-12' sections, threaded on either end. Some have a loop on the end and no threads. I posted a few pictures in another thread on what to make on the lathe I think.
I have no idea what they are or went to, very old though, I think my house was built 1954.

Man, for a guy with a lathe it just doesn't get much better...

Hey, it's your gauge -- make it look like the Space Needle if you like! Knurl the living daylights out of that thing. Taper it. Put a patina on it. Put an LED in it so it lights up when your cutting tool makes contact. Sign it. Be proud of your new, magical lathe tool height setting gauge! It's just sitting there on your bench, waiting to be released from that shaft.

It can be handy to be able to move a tool UP to meet a horizontal element on the gauge. It can also be handy to move a tool DOWN to meet a horizontal element.

It can be adjustable or not. If not, you have to work really hard on accuracy.

Fun project!

And throw a magnet on it.
Just don't be disappointed with the way it machines. It's mystery metal. If the threads were rolled they may be tough.
How about T-slot nuts? Useful if your lathe has T-slots on the cross slide. How about a MT taper to fit in your tailstock? You could thread the other end to hold a drill chuck, drill pad or some other accessory. That is a more advanced technique- leaning to cut a taper. Dedicated center drill holder? (That is on my list since I use the center drill all the time.)
Looking at that pic I can see a couple of these item springing forth!
Here is the T-slot nut I just made:


No milling involved. Lathe, hasksaw, and belt sander.
