Young Friend in Much Pain

PS.That is a lovely prayer. Even for a baptist ; )

Thanks, Nelson.
How are things with your son & family ?

Son goes into hospital for Round 3 of chemo tomorrow. We're holding up as good as could be expected, thanks for asking .
Hi, Steve.
I don't think this is gout. It is a known but fairly rare condition that happens after a broken bone heals. I forget the name of it.There just isn't much in the way of treatment. It can spread from other limbs which is what has happened to him. My Dad had gout but it wasn't like this. This feels like his legs are on fire. Tres miserable for him and the family. Thanks for your concern.
I dont normaly offer medical advice to anyone I leave that to the docks. but as i had Gout for a long time before it was found i think i am qualified to comment.

The symptoms as states are typical .mine started with a broken ankle. then moved to both legs.
The paln is quite amazing lieing naked on the bed my wife just moving in the room was enough to get me screaming. the burning sensation is increadable.
ok so what is the treatment? one tablet a day of allopurinol.

But first you have to get it under controll.

First dont eat high protine foods like red meat ---oily fish --- shellfish --turky -- egg--ETC
DO eat chicken-- white fish-- noodles-.

Dont take Paracetamol it makes things 10 times worse

Use only an anti inflamatory pain killer like Naproxene

It normaly takes 3 days to get rid of the pain and the swelling.
Then dont be fooled It will return with a vengancei if you ignore the diet

Only when you dont have the pain can you start to take the treatment
this is built up slowly untill you reach the normal dose of 300 mg
Once it is fully under controll your diet can return to normal just dont overdo things.

OK so now you need a doc to cofirm this A simple blood test will tell if your uric acid leval is to high. then its a easy road to good health.

But you could start the diet NOW it may help.

Wish I could help more
This Thanksgiving, two of my friends stayed for a visit. One's a surgeon and the other a psychiatrist. I showed them the original post. There are quite a few things that need to be ruled-out and the pain in the second leg may have nothing to do with the original injury -but it is possible and like you said, rare because it's possible the pain is coming from some other place and registering improperly in the brain. If the primary and intermediate doctors rule-out the more obvious things, he needs to be in the care of a neurologist -and of course the continuing care of family and good wishes. There are ways to isolate the nerve that's sending the pain signal and there are treatments for it starting with electrical therapies, medications and advancing to surgical procedures.

Good luck to him...
Brian & Steve & Ray
Thanks for the input. I'm going to pass this on to them. I know they are researching too but I know from my own ongoing medical issues that I hate to ignore any possibilities. They met an ex teacher in town who had the same thing after a broken leg. It went on for many years. Hers spread from the broken leg to the other and then all over. She is doing some better now but I pray he doesn't have to go that long and will be delivered from this evil. Again, thanks. Maranatha.

Our young friend is now at the Ronald McDonald House in Winnipeg and is getting some very intensive care at the Health Sciences center. He also does 2 hours a day of school since he has not been back to his regular school at all this year. He can now walk about 45 feet max twice a day. But it is a big improvement over where he was. A pediatric sports injury doctor has taken a very personal interest in him and is doing some research with his mentor who has done some work in this RSD syndrome. I forwarded your notes, Brian, and Dad was quite interested. He has gout himself so may try out some of the dietary plan himself.

So all in all they are encouraged my the direction things are going, however slight it is. Lots of tears still because of the pain but he is really trying hard to do the therapy and they are seeing some improvement. Thank you all for your prayers. The Lord bless and keep you and give you all a very Merry Christmas.

we will keep praying for him, there is strength in numbers so lets all pray for this young man and his family. Mac
It is good to hear that he is able to continue with some school time. Personal interest from a pediatrician is also promising for his psychological welfare as well as his physical. I hope he is able to continue to have good medical care, and wish him all the best.