Wtb: Trav-a-dial With Baseplate

For $50 that one heck of a score! Wish we'd get some deals like that over here.
I'll do what I can. I texted an hour ago and no response as of yet.

About 9 my time I'll give him a call. It wouldn't surprise me if it's sold and he didn't delete the ad. That seems to happen a lot around here.

I bought a Milwaukee M18 drill set on the first day it was listed, and the ad ran the full 10 days before dropping off.

Edit: Called and got voicemail. I left a message.
Really appreciate your leg work on this. Keeping fingers crossed.

Very nice of you to run it down.
He already sold it. Sorry guys.
Bummer. That was the deal of the decade.

Oh well, I'm sure we'll see it in eBay in a few days for $500

Thanks for efforts anyhow