Which style 'long point' Live Center would be best?

If you are doing small close in work, then the cutter can interfere with a standard nose live center, also if the body is large in diameter it can interfere with the QCTP. I use a smaller extended point, sometimes called long nose, extended nose, CNC seems to also denote a smaller nose. I have the Shar's long nose 202-3529, it works OK but the body is 2.3" and sometimes would hit my QCTP, it was all they had at the time. If looking for an extended point today, I would get their 202-3565 version which has a body diameter of 1.8". I have not seen a live center with a tang, no need. They will all eject fine w/o the tang. I use this style of live center most of the time, standard for heavier work, also have a bull nose and a Skoda live center set with interchangeable tips for some of the oddball work.

202-3565 https://www.shars.com/products/work...e-high-performance-heavy-duty-cnc-live-center

Z-Live also has a less expensive version:
Cool, thanks for the input.
I've got one of the sets in 2MT that Superburban shows above, for the Logan.
I'm going to check the bearing body diameter as MKSJ suggests.
I always seem to run into either the point with the holder or the body with the tool post.
Just need a little more space.
Putting one on the wish list.