Where can I get plans for a 3-in-1 sheet metal shear/cut/roll machine


Jeff L.
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Oct 17, 2018
I would like to make a 3-in-1 sheet metal shear/cut/roll machine. I'd like on that is about 18" wide. The 12" ones are a little small, and the 24" ones are really expensive. I was not able to find anything easily in an internet search. Do such plans exist? I'm looking for something along the lines of the JRW sheet metal brake: no welding, just steel plate and rod, with common fasteners.

I don't really need a roller (famous last words, I know), so not sure if that makes it easier or not.

I'm using a small vise-mounted set of anvils to bend sheet metal. I cut it with my bandsaw and then sand the edges straight (ish). I've started a new job and no longer have easy access to a metal shop with a brake and shear. If I start teaching Engineering, maybe I'll be able to get something.

The cheapest machine I was able to find was this one, at $306:
It's only 12" wide. There are many other companies selling what appears to be this same one, with different color paint jobs and price points.

I did find a smaller shear/brake, but I think it was 8" wide. HF has a 30" wide 3-in-1 for about $500, but they are not available for awhile and that's too big for my needs and garage anyway. There is currently nothing on CL or FBMP.

I downloaded the SolidWorks file for the JRW machine, but there were no part files, just the assembly; you need both in order to work with it. I thought I might add fingers and at least get that feature, then work on some way of adding a shear.

Seems like there could be plans for a 3-in-1. Anyone got any ideas?
I found those plans also awhile back thinking it may be a useful project. what I down loaded was a PDF with a parts list and drawings.
I found those plans also awhile back thinking it may be a useful project. what I down loaded was a PDF with a parts list and drawings.
I also found the pdf of the JRW machine, but it's only a bender. I'd like plans for a shear/bender/roller, or at least a shear/bender.
I think the reason that there isn't an 18inch machine on the market is that you don't find much 18in or 16inch wide squares or rectangles from suppliers. 12inch or 24inch are easy enough to find as they divisible from a 48x96.

The extra 6inch adds a lot more to the machine, 24x24 and 24x48 are very common off the shelf.
I have no space either but managed to fit my 30” 3n1 on a cart. It has turned out that it is what I really needed as anything smaller would have been too small.

I‘ve run into 30” 3n1’s for cheap on CL. Last one was $100. Unless you have access to super cheap metal there is almost no way you could make one for $500. The exact same machine sold by Grizzly is $1500. Lots of times different HF stores have things when others are out.
I bought a 24” Shop Fox 3 in1 Oct. 2020 on sale in Amazon $440 w/tax . I checked and it seems to be discontinued even on the Shop Fox web site . Like you I didn’t want one too big and 12” didn’t seem big enough. They don’t come up for sale too often used except once you get one lol . A HF and a Shop Fox like I just bought came up on CL within weeks of me getting mine lol . Hang in there and keep searching even if you have to drive a distance, I think there would be more legwork getting material to make one but I can give you any measurements and pictures you want if you decide to build on .
Lots of DIY brake plans, but shears and rollers not so much. I've never seen a DIY 3 in 1. Agree with Cbag, the 30" Harbor Freight 3 in 1 seems a bargain, it would be hard to build one for less. I was going to build a simple brake into my outdoor work bench, but now plans are to get a 3 in 1, hopefully used if one turns up, but otherwise the HF unit. I don't have a ton of room, but with some careful placement and wheels I think a 30" could be tucked out of the way when not being used.

If you really want to make your own, there are some good Sheet metal books from Gingery that include plans for several DIY sheet metal working tools.
The HF 3n1 is by no means perfect, but for small jobs it is way better than nothing. It is very heavy with cast iron sides, table and frame. Even so it could use more stiffening for long bends. It’s hard to beat if your concern is space as it packs a lot of basic functions in one package.

It is a total roll of the dice if it will functional even new. Mine was NOS and completely unadjusted and full of cosmolene and paint where there should have been sliding surfaces. The used ones I’ve seen had been heavily used but I would rather put my time into reconditioning than building from scratch. YMMV.
I found a 30" Jet 3-in-1 that has what appears to be surface rust all over the non-painted parts. Seller wants $500. It weighs 300 lbs and he can't help me load it. I'm currently in a sling from shoulder surgery so I can't even load up my engine hoist in my truck. I thought maybe I'd look at it and see if I could take it apart and load the pieces.

Yes, buying the material to make one would be expensive, BUT, I can get scrap metal for free from the machine shop teacher at the adult school in the district where I used to work. I would still need to buy a blade and common springs, fasteners, etc, though. I guess I need to decide if I really want to spend the time designing and making my own, or just wait and find a used one.
Here's a picture of the one I found:

jet 3 in 1 REV.jpg

I think $500 is way too high. Thoughts?