What's your favorite western movie?

Easy. I was 7 years old when my Folks took us to the drive-in to watch The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. The soundtrack, Eli Wallach's Tuco and the whole feel of the thing has stuck with me ever since.

"two kinds of people- Those who have seen the movie, and those that have no idea what they are missing"
Any movie with Trigger in it. The movie horse Trigger ( there were in fact two - one ( Little Trigger ) was highly trained and did mainly the trick stuff ), was so fearless he had to do the stunts the stand in horses refused to do. He was generally a better actor than Roy too. Dave
Any movie with Trigger in it. The movie horse Trigger ( there were in fact two - one ( Little Trigger ) was highly trained and did mainly the trick stuff ), was so fearless he had to do the stunts the stand in horses refused to do. He was generally a better actor than Roy too. Dave
Liked Roy, but he wasn't a particularly good actor, IMO.