What's Your favirite Phrase ?

Kid's, dogs, flowers and Christmas lights all look better in someone else yard.

Beat it to fit and paint it to match.

Luck...is not a strategy.

Things usually go a lot smoother when the wife is happy.
He could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo.......... now there's a good sales person.
If you don’t have paint that matches, use what you have and call it art.

Life’s unpredictable. Eat dessert first.
Is that the same as "Gravy on your cake"?
Is that the same as "Gravy on your cake"?
There are 3 things that make everything taste better... bacon, butter and gravy... not necessarily in that order.

"Better to be silent and thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt...."
This is my favourite quotation of all time. Your version is almost verbatum to the one I quote except I preface (Better) with t'is , Its , or you're . as the occasion demands. Could you please tell me where your version comes from ?.
P.S. sorry about the late reply , I don' t usually frequent this forrum. Maybe I should !!.
New one today,
The problem with being on a soap box, is that when it Rains it gets really slippery.
My grandfather was a professional wheelwright and cabinet maker, his comment regarding slack craftsmen was
"He couldn't make a rabbit hutch with leather hinges."
My mothers one for flappy people was
"They're like a fart in a colander, no idea what hole to come out"