What To Do, Unneeded, Unwanted Tools!

I just bought some tool steel the other day at $1.50/lb a couple pieces were some really nice reamers. So that is the high retail for the steel in my area. Probably not what your looking for to. When you decide on a price let me know. I'd have use for them if they are in that good of condition but I couldn't go no where that retail. There is a reason I don't buy anything at Granger's.
Don't be too hasty to get rid of.

One unforeseen day that one of a kind job will walk in and right there on the shelf is just what is needed.
"Like George said"
Unwanted? Unneeded tools? You sir, must not be human. :)
I'm a tool maker, (hobbyist, now) not a plumber, what do I need with more pipe taps! ( I have the ones I've needed in the past).

Make an offer.
Ah tool collectors will take any and all yupp me too. I have tools that I'll never be able to use again, tried to sell on Craigslist ,even tried giving some away . Loads of woodworking tools some very exspensive ones . But I'm still buying different tools all the time it's addicting .
I just ran into a need the other day for a 1/16" x 27 thd. tapered pipe tap and die: I needed a slightly tapered nose for an old fashioned pump drill. They have a collet type nose that tightens the hole onto a 1/8" shank spade bit. These are still used in silversmithing and other small work. Being the tool maker in a museum,i have made a lot of old type tools.PICT0001.JPG PICT0008.JPG
Sorry for the out of focus pictures. I had made them as slides years ago,and had to convert them to images used here. Never was a good photographer!

These are some pump drills I made. They are all slightly different. The details are hard to see in the poor pictures.
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What an enviable "job". I remember many times, coming home happy because not only did it get to do amazing work, they payed me to do it. And I worked in industry, not a museum.

I take it those are your pump drills, where you pump the spindle and the rawhide twists the spindle. Beautiful.

I've only got the taps, no dies. Besides, as I said, I've got the small taps, that I might need. Have had them for decades.

For coolant lines I've got compression fittings. Used them to put a return fuel line on my Studebaker to avoid vapor lock.