What do we call ourselves?

"I never would of guessed this is a real thing! I'm going with this. True or false it rolls off the tongue. :)


A person skilled in the theory, design, operation and care of machinery.


Not only is it true, it's a federally recognized job classification. In fact that was my actual job classification for several years. When I hired in the department was expanding, but all the allotted engineering positions were filled. I hired in as a Mechanician I. Some years later after the reorganization was complete my classification was changed to project engineer.
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PS - I was once asked, "Why do you have a milling machine? What do you do with it?" by a female acquaintance. My carefully considered reply was to ask her, "Why do you have a sewing machine?" I guess the best answer to both questions is "Whatever comes along."
That question. That right there is something that is always tough to answer. I was asked the other day "what do you make on a lathe?" I've never had an amazing answer other than try to describe some of the projects I've done.
I don't know why, but the term 'Maker" has always raised the hair on the back of my neck. For some reason it's a term I detest.
I agree. It's too general, and seemingly used mostly for people who do things like scrap booking. And yet, considering I also do wood working, 3d printing, sewing, leather work, etc., I'm sometimes forced to call myself a maker.
I’m an old “roughneck” who enjoys learning, making, and fixing stuff.

What do you call yourself? Are you a
Hobby Machinist?,
Home Shop Machinist?
Home shop Masicist?
Manic Mechanic?
Garage Guardian?

My dad was a "Putterer". What do you call yourself?
"Wanna-be" I worked with exceptionally talented machinists in manufacturing plants for umpteen years. Plus I had a good Dad.
I hear from acquaintances all the time the same questtions all the time, what do you make with your mill,lathe, shaper or welder? My usual reply is whatever I want to or need to. When asked if I can make this or that for them I reply with Probably as long as its not for the space shuttle and you buy the material. If asked if I'm a machinist I reply with NO I'm just a guy with machines who likes to fix and make things.