What do we call ourselves?

I don't call myself anything really.

I like to say that "I can fix just about anything but I can't tune a carburetor"

Or "if there is a way I have the will"
You have the same name as me? lol
I think there are a lot of us out there with the same or similar names. As I've mentioned in the past the company I worked for designed and built most of their own processing and packaging equipment. Many years ago near the end of the year we were finishing up a prototype packaging machine. The project had to be completed and a working model filmed in a limited production situation before the end of the year to get a large tax credit. Myself and six other engineers, machinists, and technicians were putting in long hours to get the job completed. On the final day of debugging we worked well into the evening so the camera crew could begin filming the next day.

When the job was finally done we all were beat and the scraggly bunch exited the building. We walked side by side up a long driveway between the buildings. We were about half way when someone yelled from behind us HEY AS**OLE. All seven of us turned around in unison to see about 20 production mechanics in an overhead doorway laughing at us. It was a bit embarrassing that we ALL acknowledged the term and turned around in unison, but there were no hard feelings. The word of the incident spread through the place like wild fire. It took several months before the humor of the situation finally died down.
depends on the audience, but generally I just say I am a Hobbyist and that seems to satisfy most people. If I am talking to a professional then I might say I am "Only a Hobbyist"