Way Off Topic: Sleep Apnea and Obesity

Thank you all for the helpful & insightful info.

I would want to ask everybody: “Generally speaking, are you tired just as soon as you get out of bed in the morning?”

In other words, “Are you ready to go back to bed after just a few hours of being awake?”

I am on vacation for the next 5 days with no plans. I love to work in the shop, & the shop is cleaned & ready with a lot of fun projects out there, *but* the level of energy available to me is only on par with looking at my iPhone or taking a nap. This can’t be normal. I feel like I am 80 years old.

To those who do have appreciable energy, what are you doing right?! Stress management, optimum weight, time management, therapy, etc.?

When I am not on vacation, UPS is great at keeping me busy & productive. Without direction, I might be undisciplined and lazy.
One exercise idea that interests me is walking my standard poodle named Daisy. Any time spent with her makes me very happy. She would like walks, as well!

About 3 hours before I went to the ER a week ago, I was having yet another argument with my wife. We just don’t like how the other one is. I went to bed profoundly angry & disappointed, & then woke up suffocating, either from a dream or a malfunctioning CPAP machine.

I need to find some way to stop the disagreements with her. We have been battling for over 25 years. We are very incompatible, but I would not go off by myself because I would lose half my pension + much of my social security.

I need to become a man who cannot be argued with. In other words, I might have to present to her what she wants to see (somebody who likes her), & say what she wants to hear (“You are great!”). I never had any interest in acting, but being myself has been a bust.
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Thank you all for the helpful & insightful info.

I would want to ask everybody: “Generally speaking, are you tired just as soon as you get out of bed in the morning?”

In other words, “Are you ready to go back to bed after just a few hours of being awake?”

I am on vacation for the next 5 days with no plans. I love to work in the shop, & the shop is cleaned & ready with a lot of fun projects out there, *but* the level of energy available to me is only on par with looking at my iPhone or taking a nap. This can’t be normal. I feel like I am 80 years old.

To those who do have appreciable energy, what are you doing right?! Stress management, optimum weight, time management, therapy, etc.?

When I am not on vacation, UPS is great at keeping me busy & productive. Without direction, I might be undisciplined and lazy.
I'm going to be 57 in June.
I sleep 7-8 hrs a night. I never have any caffeine past noon. I try and get some fresh air every day whether that's a walk around the neighbourhood or some yard work.
I read before bed so that I'm not looking at a blue screen before trying to sleep.
I go to bed and wake at the same time every day; bed by 2200hrs and up at 0700 seven days a week. Unless I'm sick I don't lack for energy.
If your sleep apnea is very bad you will feel exhausted all the time. My brother suffered terribly till he got his CPAP machine. He would actually fall asleep mid conversation. The machine was life-changing for him.
More importantly he changed his eating habits and exercise habits. Zero snacks after dinner, more fruits and veg, less refined carbs. Took brisk walks at least 30 mins a day, ever day.
He probably dropped 40 lbs in nine months.
I think I need to just get off my lazy butt & stop being a whiner!

If my kids were coming to me with this problem, I would tell them to stop complaining & take actions to solve the problem.

I spent 2+ days with my 9 year old granddaughter last weekend, & I think my [expected baseline for a normal energy level for a human being] was disrupted. She is very active compared to what I am used to seeing.
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Check your snacks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if it has Sorbitol in it don't eat it.
Also super foods like avocados spin age, blue berries .

Cold truth,,, Your diet is on you.. you will either make it happen or not no matter what ... Its on you....
Breaking any and all habits/addictions is based on the person HAVING to get away from what they are doing to themselves that is going to kill them.
My doctor looked straight at me and said Mr _____________ you need a new habit or your going to die from smoking cigarettes,, Being about a week after waking up from a coma .I just pretty much died, In my eyes I had no choice but to quit smoking .. My wife smoked cigarettes and was unsupported of me quitting ..

Super salads with fish or chicken help, even as a snack.

Hope the best
Got to 235lb, now down to 210 and still falling just by cutting out starchy carbs. Bread is the absolute worst thing I can eat, followed by other wheat based things, followed by rice, then potato and so on. Eat a good diet with plenty of non starchy veg, though. It's helped with everything. I'm 6'2 and built, but at 235 I was definitely a bit tubby and not feeling great.

I have a mate who's always struggled with his weight who got diagnosed with sleep apnea and got a CPAP. Changed his life. Overweight and sleep apnea are so closely linked, it's hard to extract one from the other.

Another massive cause of lethargy in northern climbs, is vitamin D deficiency. Get that checked too as a matter of priority. Unless you work outside or take an effective supplement, you're very likely deficient. Tablets don't work for me, while the spray in mouth stuff does. The Scandies, because they have their heads screwed in straight and care about health over profit, put vitamin D in most dairy stuff. Being fat soluble, it's about the most effective way of ensuring everyone gets a decent baseline, and particularly important during long winters with short days. I have a truly horrible time if my levels drop.

Hope you're feeling better soon!
Good call on the vitamin D @Lo-Fi I take it every evening. also a game changer for me.
Honestly, I know probably dozens of people from 20's to 80's who have been to the doctor feeling slow, lethargic, lacking energy etc. who have been found to have low vitamin D. We spend so much of our lives covered apart from hands and face - particularly men - it shouldn't come as a surprise. My uncle Den got told by his doc to take his jacket off more often. As an old school English gent, he was always seen with a jacket of some kind! But wrists/forearms are a key place for producing vitamin D from sunlight. D is often combined with vitamin K, which apparently helps it bind to where it's actually needed, by the way.

Sleep apnea is obviously something unrelated, but it's not impossible that there's a compound effect, so it's worth checking!