Tool find. Now what could I possibly do with a 3MT hand drill?


May 14, 2011
I found this deep in the barn while looking for something else. Pops the breaker when I plug it in and I haven't investigated the cause yet. It has a 3MT head and looks to have a gear reduction function by the shape. I cant forsee needing it as a hand drill even though I have several bits and reamers that fit. Can anybody think of a modification project that this might be good for?

Thanks, mark

2012-06-13 06.53.57.jpg
Woo hoo
I reckon you could break a few bones with that if the bit jammed while using it. It would have a bit of grunt.
If you have the room to store it, then it will come in handy for something one day. Keep an eye out for a magnetic base for it perhaps. Make a mag base for it as a project?
The Jetson's entro comes to mind, "Jake stop this crazy thing". You could repair it and give it to someone you don't like that isn't very bright. You could even sell him that tapered (man killin') reamer along with it for .5$ .

Swinging it overhead by the cord would build 12 bodies strong ways (or something).

Lock the output into a vice and use it as a mechanical bull kind of thing.

We had one on the farm (when I was a kid) with a crank welded onto a tool to start the High Boy sprayer when the sprayer was mentioned farm hands vanished.

Woo hoo
I reckon you could break a few bones with that if the bit jammed while using it. It would have a bit of grunt.
If you have the room to store it, then it will come in handy for something one day. Keep an eye out for a magnetic base for it perhaps. Make a mag base for it as a project?

A friend of mine inherited a big drill some what like that. When you pulled the trigger it turned it on. When you let go, it stayed on. You had to pull the trigger again to shut it off. Then it took many seconds for it to finally stop. I've never seen an electric tool that scared me more.

Last year this friend hurt his arm while drilling. No, he wasn't using that monster, he was using a modern drill. Had he been using the old one I believe it would have killed him.

Could use it as a motor for a hand powered grain mill if you home brew. Lots of torque and low rpm's so the grain would get a uniform mill and crush. Just a thought...