Prayers for my son

Nelson, many are praying for all of you. <br>These are difficult times for you, indeed. A verse that has always given me assurance is from an unlikely place: Luke 6:35, " He himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men". That was one of those verses that I must have read many times but it never hit me until one day it hit like a hammer. It speaks of God's incredible loving kindness to <strong>all</strong> people. If He treats the evil and ungrateful that way, how much more will He care for those who love Him? We serve an incredible God.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp; &nbsp;<em> "Lord, pour out your blessing and mercy on Nelson and his family. Bring healing to his son. Give the doctors wisdom and compassion to work out a cure. Give strength and trust to this family. They need to sense your presence and your peace. Deliver them from evil. Glorify yourself in all of this.<br>Amen"</em><br><br><br><br>