Parker Majestic #2 surface grinder

I’m off work till the New Year so will get in some serious shop time.

The Teco VFD arrived this week. Wired it in this morning and fired it up. I bought it without hearing it run because it was not under power.
So hearing and seeing it run for the first time is a big deal for me.
The sound you hear is mostly the fan on the VFD, the spindle is very quiet. Thank goodness!
I’ll figure out how to upload a video...
Edit to add video link.

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Thanks Frank, it's astonishingly quiet and smooth. I also mounted up a wheel and it smoothed out even more.
The table drive bands are out for delivery today so...there's potential for it to up and running by the end of the day! :D
Well delivery of the steel replacement bands was delayed till Monday. Rats.
Well delivery of the steel replacement bands was delayed till Monday. Rats.

Everything is delayed. I ordered a HVLP spray gun to replace my worn out Porter Cable one. It is coming from Eastwood. I think it was supposed to be here Thursday, then Friday, then Today and now it is Monday. Of course, it did come from the East Coast somewhere so I expected the delay.
Everything is delayed. I ordered a HVLP spray gun to replace my worn out Porter Cable one. It is coming from Eastwood. I think it was supposed to be here Thursday, then Friday, then Today and now it is Monday. Of course, it did come from the East Coast somewhere so I expected the delay.

It was especially disappointing as I got the “out for delivery notification” at 10 am yesterday.
Coincidentally my package also came from the East Coast, PA precisely.
Got out before the snow apparently.