Paid for Groovin!

Doug Gray

H-M Supporter - Commercial Member
H-M Supporter - Commercial Member
Oct 28, 2020
I have a paying gig going through my humble shop right now. It involves putting a vitaulic grooves in pipe stubs. I have 12 6" pipes to do and 8 4" pipes.

Thankfully all the stubs are only 8" long ,so i'm able to face the end with out using a steady rest.
Face one end
Grab on the outside of the three jaw
gnaw/chatter out a groove with an Asian parting tool

I don't have a micrometer over 6" so I measure the groove diameter with old school calipers and transfer the measurement using digital caliper. The old school calipers are Starrett and they are a joy to use.

The Shars tool itself my be fair but the inserts I have are a PITA. The hole exercise is a massive chattery bell ringing session and my wife upstairs is starting to lose patience. (I offered ear plugs). The bungy does seam to help some.

Anyway I'm not complaining I would be in the shop doing something anyway, might as well get paid.

Thanks for looking.


Probably too late, but for next time.
Cut a plate (1/4"or thicker) 6" square would do, 60° center drill at center. Use as a push plate for safety and to damp the chatter (some).
That groove looks wide enough and deep enough maybe a turning insert would give a better cut. Possibly use the grooving tool to clean up the edges if you need a clean transition?
Your right Winegrower that's definitely an option.

Probably too late, but for next time.
Cut a plate (1/4"or thicker) 6" square would do, 60° center drill at center. Use as a push plate for safety and to damp the chatter (some).
This is a really good Idea, I hadn't thought of it. I'm thinking maybe a six inch square of 3/4" baltic birch ply(with a steel plate screwed on for centre). I bet this will help noise and chatter. Thanks extropic. Its not to late I have several of the six inchers left and eight 4"
Every time I need to part or groove a hollow thin walled tube, it rings like a bell. Tried to turn an 8" diameter bronze pipe with 1/4" wall and you might have thought the nuke reactor in the next state over was sounding a siren.

Turning some wood plugs for the ends might help. Something that fits snugly and dampens the vibrations. Especially on the chuck side.

Nice work though, hobby paid jobs are fun.
I did a similar job this week although in aluminum and parting 1/2” long parts from 3” o.d. 3/8 wall. I made a plug for the tail stock as suggested above. Im holding in machined soft jaws by an 1/8” grip on the OD and parting in auto-feed.
Looks from the chatter marks you have some rigidity issues there- maybe need to snug up the gibs on the compound or slide
Also whatever you can do to reduce the stick-out of the tool will help
This would be a case for using backgears if your machine has them
maybe use a sharp insert (MGGN?) instead of the molded MGMN you have there? That would help with the chatter. I've also used a thick wooden stick held against the inside of a piece of pipe, that helps with the ringing and singing.

There's also funky stuff like cerrometal or the like, which you melt at low temperatures (100C?) and pour in.