Old Craftsman Stuff


His problem isn't just the spring. He is missing the entire quill return unit.

His problem isn't just the spring. He is missing the entire quill return unit.

I didn't craft my reply too well. I suppose I should have said "If you find or make the other parts, here are places you may be able to get a custom or similar spring..."
Sometimes the other parts are 'makeable' but creating springs, especially if it is a flat coil spring, can be a challenge.
Got spring assembly from ebay , it won't work it is a coil spring with a fork coming out of knob. There is the rite one on eBay but the cap/knob is broken it dose have the strap spring tho $10.+10 shipping I wrote seller note .
Joe at plaza dose not have one, the 150 assembly may be able to be modified , Ben to busy to check rite now. But it's on the list.
Ok I got the rite quill return assembly from eBay , the cap is damaged but still works the strap spring is good and it came with the gear shaft that I don't need . The quill return now works !. I have a 150 quill return assembly that I won't need
Thanks all