Need help with mistakes

Nah, Public confession that you are an idiot and cannot find your parts, is all you need to do to get the time painters to put your parts back into this reality. Go back out to the shop and they will be there is a place that you KNOW you just looked.

Always liked that episode…

One thing I hate is when I save something for twenty years and when you finally need it you can't find it.
So I end up buying it and of course I end up finding it weeks later.
One thing I hate is when I save something for twenty years and when you finally need it you can't find it.
So I end up buying it and of course I end up finding it weeks later.
That was a big problem when I was in the car repair business. I’d misplace a tool then buy one to replace it. A couple weeks later I’d find the original and have duplicates. It finally got so bad I made my own rule to wait a minimum of a month before replacing a “lost” tool. 99+% of the the time the missing tool showed up before I needed to buy a replacement.
17 oil filter wrenches here . Hardware store is 100 yards away from home ! :eek:
That's a dangerous situation! I'd probably have ten of everything if a good HW store was that convenient.

One thing I hate is when I save something for twenty years and when you finally need it you can't find it.
So I end up buying it and of course I end up finding it weeks later.
Something I have tried to implement, having been down this road a couple zillion times is a three point rule for saving stuff:
1. Is it likely that I'm ever going to need it?
2. If I need it, will I remember that I have it?
3. If I have it, will I remember where I put it?

If I can't answer 'yes' to all three - I don't keep it. Of course it's hard to answer the questions accurately, and if you're instinctively a hoarder (like me) the answer to #1 always seems to be "yes!", but the other two questions help a lot. If I'm looking for a place to put something away, and it's not obvious where I should put it, that's a pretty good sign that the answer to #3 is "NO". Just sharing what half works for me - it's not a perfect system, but it has helped.

It's much worse for me - My problem is not with the little bits that I forget I have, or where I put them.
It's with the complete machines, that I thought would be nice to have, and have just stashed, and know very well where they are.
So, for me, the second 2 questions are moot - It's the first one, that I should have paid more attention to..........
Marking pens, tape measures, 7/16" wrenches, the end mill I just removed from a collet...
The list is endless!!
And, I don't think it gets any better.
I'll be a year older in 10 days, I'll let you know if it does, OK?
Yes, I'm always looking for that thing I just put down.
I can sit it down on the lathe or the mill and stare at it for 15 minute wondering where it went....

I am sponsoring a hide and seek competition, good contestants are hard to find though.... (10 millimeter sockets are at the top of the list)
One thing I hate is when I save something for twenty years and when you finally need it you can't find it.
So I end up buying it and of course I end up finding it weeks later.
I always tell people, if you want to know what a mystery key unlocks, throw it away....