My Cover's Been Blown.


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jan 20, 2018
I just received a solicitation from Single Care in the mail. It was addressed to Phineas Whoopee at my mailing address. I have NEVER used my alias in association with either my address or phone number. Somehow they put it together.
Don't worry about Big Brother, AI is watching you. (not AL, aye eye)
FedEx delivered last week in the snow storm to the nickname that my grand kids gave me a few years ago with no other name anywhere on the box. The two guys walked all the way up to the house and asked, I didn't have to sign for it but they wantwd to check for sure before dropping at the gate. Product was something I ordered from Graingers on my regular account ?? so yes somebody is apparently cross referencing text, phone ? Cause that nickname is NOT posted anywhere, unless Alexa really is listening.....
That is one of the reasons I use Bi11 instead of Bill. The numeric characters tend to confuse computer listing systems. I have an alternate address under my real name, just another way to 'gum up' the system. Something I do whenever I can. . . Have since the beginning of small computers, ca. 1974.
