Mineral spirits or milk?

It is even worse as paint thinner.
I bought some of the Safer brand from Home Depot.
I believe that it has so much alcohol in it that the paint that it is mixed with never dries because it pulls so much water from the air.
Oil based paint stays sticky for days.

The Safer stuff is nicer on your hands when you use it for cleaning paint off them .

Otherwise, leave it on the store shelf.
interesting, I just checked the MSDS for all 3 major variants from kleenstrip. As for their odorless (clear) it contains 500ppm petroleum based solvents, and odorless green (white) contains 200ppm of a single petroleum based solvent. The South Coast Air Quality version contains less than 100% petroleum based solvents, to be offset 1-5% by only one certain impurity. Interesting to note that the green version has no flash point. And the SCAQMD version is almost completely petroleum products.

I also left some of the dirty solution un-disturbed overnight, and the oxide components have since been broken down and emulsified. There went the coolest thing about it.


http://www.wmbarr.com/ProductFiles/1654 KS Mineral Spirits for SCAQMD.pdf

http://www.wmbarr.com/ProductFiles/KS Low Odorless Mineral Spirits (GL251) 6-4-10.pdf

Odorless Green
http://www.wmbarr.com/ProductFiles/1691.7D KS Green OMS Substitute.pdf