Latest update on my health

I have a slight catch 22 situation with water. They stopped most of my meds for my heart as they can do kidney damage. So if i retain fluid I could end up with heart failure again. So my heart docs and I need to figure out what to do about that also.
Been a rough road for you so far Mr. Bill... but don't quit just yet, I still have much to learn from you!
Well the second round of chemo was put off til my kidney functions get closer to normal. They have come down a bit but still not quite normal. Have a tentative star for the second round next Wednesday. So hope all goes well and they do start the chemo. I would love for this pain to go away completely so I can do stuff again.
Will make a point for extra prayers , hard to stay upbeat I know but push on fight thru Bill.
God bless. We're pulling for you Bill (and praying too). Keep up the fight.
Well my kidney functions are back to normal. I went thru the second round of chemo last week. Pain from tumor is almost completely gone. Getting a scan done next week before the 3rd round of chemo. Chemo has left me feeling weak and tired most of the time so haven't been able to do much. I do watch the forums and post once in a while. Hoping now that my kidney functions are back to normal maybe I can restart some of my heart meds and maybe not feel so tired all the time.
Good to hear that you are doing ok and have less pain. Will keep you in my prayers.
Well my kidney functions are back to normal. I went thru the second round of chemo last week. Pain from tumor is almost completely gone. Getting a scan done next week before the 3rd round of chemo. Chemo has left me feeling weak and tired most of the time so haven't been able to do much. I do watch the forums and post once in a while. Hoping now that my kidney functions are back to normal maybe I can restart some of my heart meds and maybe not feel so tired all the time.

That's good news. Hoping that good news continues.