Latest update on my health

Not sure how I missed this thread? Was wondering how things were with you, and I see I've missed much.

Good to hear things are a bit better. Been playin' with the mill?
well it seems my kidneys are failing. They aren't sure if it's the chemo or the heart meds doing it. So being admitted to hospital tonight. Hopefully just for a couple days.
I am out of the hospital (for now). They put a stent in the canal from bladder to kidney. Kidney was swollen on left and kidney function was down. Swelling came down a bit but only time will tell if the kidney function will come back to normal. While I was in they put a port in for the chemo. They were not 100% sure it was just the chemo that did the real damage. Although it may have helped it along. My kidney was slightly swollen prior to the chemo. So they stopped most of my heart meds and all my meds for sugar. I know need to see what my primary and heart doctor want to do.
Come on Bill , fight start drinking so much water your eyes float. I had a blocked kidney in 09 ended up getting emergency surgery for a stent to drain the poison . Weeks later they removed thirty stones from left kidney . Being quadrapertic my body don't work right . I've been using an over the counter herb it's absolutely wonderful. Called DManose , I take two in morning and three at bedtime. I haven't had any side affects just makes the pipes slippery so no bacteria attaches to the kidneys and bladder. It may help three months supply is super cheap probably $12.00 . Keep positive my friend we all still need your knowledge.
I start the second round of chemo tomorrow. They have to change one of the 2 that get mixed so it doesn't effect the kidneys. So we shall see how it goes. Started loosing the hair 2 days ago.
Will look into that DManose.
I start the second round of chemo tomorrow. They have to change one of the 2 that get mixed so it doesn't effect the kidneys. So we shall see how it goes. Started loosing the hair 2 days ago.
Will look into that DManose.

Don't worry about the hair.. I haven't had any since .. well a long time.