Identify This Lathe


Active User
Jun 29, 2014
Hi all, can anyone identify this lathe and have a rough idea on its value? Looks like it comes with all the typical chucks and rests.


lathe3.JPG lathe2.JPG lathe1.JPG
It looks just like my craftsman 12 x 36 with a couple covers off. Is the motor and counter shafts under it

Art B
Atlas/Craftsman Those are decent machines.
There is one on Kijiji right now for $1200.00. I paid $500.00 for mine when I bought it. Lots of tooling , no steady rest, no 4 jaw. I have been happy with mine, sharp tooling is a must.
Martin W
My first lathe was one of those. Sears made by Atlas. Be careful of the Zamak half nuts. I had to change mine every 6 months as they wore out. No longer available except used on Ebay from old lathes being parted out.

It took all day to make parts that I could make on my next lathe,a Jet 10x24. I could not take much of a cut with the Sears as the bed is way too thin. And,you don't want to put much strain on all those Zamak parts.

I THINK Sears was painting their machines gold back in the 50's. So,no telling what condition the half nuts are in. Close the half nuts and rack the carriage sideways. If it moves MUCH,the half nuts are worn out. Check the teeth of all the gears,too. the ones behind the headstock are all Zamak. The cover seems to be missing.

I'd pass on buying it. But,if you only want a lathe for occasional use in the home shop,and are not planning to be using it very actively to make models,it may be o.k.. Certainly there are a lot of Atlas lathes out there. But,years ago,before imposts.Atlas made the only affordable lathes for individuals.
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Most definitely a Sears Atlas. My first lathe. I once rebuilt a Rockwell lathe,including recutting the bed. It had been used for many years just as a polishing lathe. Looked nice. Completely worn out. I had to recut the cross slide dovetails. It was more accurate than new when I was done as it would face truly flat. Most lathes face a bit hollow for flange work,which I don't do or like. It simply would not cut metal AT ALL when I bought it to rebuild.
I thought Clausings (the original maker of the lathe) still sold half nuts. Has there been a change lately? My half nuts lasted for years even with a worn out leadscrew.
Thet y may still sell half nuts. I used to get them from Sears for $20.00. Wonder how much they cost now? Nearly $800.00 for a leadscrew is ridiculous. I could get rich making them for that price on my MANUAL machines! Keyway groove and all.