I Got a Gentle Reminder Today

30 years in the military has me to a point where long hair just bugs the crap out of me and its just waay too hot in summer.

but if long hair and machining is your jam, I’ll thow out two words for consideration:

Hair net.

Walk in to the shop and snap one over your locks. If its a braid, a quick tuck and its under the net. No extra heat, nothing to fall off (like a baseball cap or such) and no chance of it getting caught and dragging you to your death. A secondary plus about a net is it prevents ALL you hair from getting caught, not just the long stuff in the back.

Perhaps do what I do with safety glasses and hang a hair net on each machine in the shop. Always one at hand and it serves as a reminder to wear one or at least it makes you think more about safety. I make sure I hang a set of glasses over the power button or on one of the levers/wheels that I need to operate the machine so I have no choice but to grab it and move it. Forces me to put a set on or reminds me to wear the set I have on the top of my head.

Beards? Don’t know what to tell ya there except grab a good razor and have a nice clean, fresh shave or keep the scruff and take your chances…
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