Good floormat to keep chips out of the house?


Jul 22, 2022
is seems that no matter how much i clean up before i come into the house from the garage i still track shavings and chips in, anyone know of a good matt i can get to help clean my shoes off? i know taking my shoes off is an option but would like something of a stop gap when i run in to use the restroom
You could have a second pair of shoes for going back to the house in. Problem pretty much solved, but you still need to make sure the rest of you is chip free. I've found chips in some interesting places on my person. I usually use an air gun to clean myself off, and an apron helps a lot provided you remember to put it on. Mike
Give up and get a second set of shoes. I've got two pair at the shop (garage door) entrance. A pair to slip on, when I just need to grab something real quick, and a set of steel toes, for when I'm actually doing something in the shop that would justify lacing them up. Neither pair are allowed past the threshold into the house.
Chips on the clothes are still a thing, on rare occasion, but much less so as I've gotten better with chip guards.
There are three good options: Dri-dek, dri-dek, or dri-dek. This stuff saved my marriage, and is a pretty decent anti-fatigue mat (though you wouldn't think so - it's not soft). Fantastic, lets the chips fall through, lets you enter the house while maintaining domestic tranquility. I swear by it.

The suggestion to have shoes dedicated to the shop and forbidden in the house is my method.

What makes this work for me is:

Buy LONG shoe horns and keep them by the doors. (plenty of variety, just do a search)

Slip out of one pair of shoes and into the other with ease, without bending over or sitting down.
Or, just wear shoes in the shop and go without shoes in the house.
DO like my grandchildren taught me with shoe laces. Leave them tied and slip in and out of the shoes without have to tie or untie.
I have chips in my house and I have to walk across 100 feet of graveled parking area. Two pair of shoes may be the best solution.
I manage to get chips inside of my shoes! I rarely wear shoes inside the house.
I will see @GeneT45's floor mat and raise him by one NoTrax. I have two of them in my shop. I absolutely love them. NoTrax Cushion Ease 550 <<Link

But, as others have mentioned, you either need two pairs of shoes, one in the shop and one in the house, or don't wear shoes in the house. It is verboten for anyone to wear shoes in our house.
You may still get chips on your clothes or in your hair. The other day, when I was in the shower, I found some chips in what little hair I have left on my head. I said, "Hey, Hon, can you come in here and grab this?" She needed further convincing that I wasn't up to something indecorous.