

H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2016
It has my family shut down . :rolleyes:
Best wishes to you and your family. I know a few people locally who've had it/have kids that came home with it/are fighting it now. None serious, thankfully, but many weeks collectively shut away to protect everyone else. Home shops are a godsend for retaining sanity.
Been there, done that. Twice:

We took one of our grandkids to lunch several weeks ago (no symptoms/no exposure/no nothing). The next DAY, enrolling in school he tested positive/asymptomatic - and never developed any symptoms. We quarantined for two weeks and then tested negative.

A couple of weeks later, our granddaughter's soon-to-be-father-in-law came down with symptoms and tested positive. Neither she nor her now-husband had been around him for at least a week prior, but we were compelled to quarantine once again. Two weeks went by. Nothing.

Both times, our quarantining was not for 'our' benefit - we were confident that our exposure was minimal to non-existent - but for the well-being of others we interacted with, it seemed the responsible thing to do.

Don't know about you guys, but I'm sick of this stuff. I fully understand and concede that it's necessary, but I'll be among the masses that celebrate when it's over.

In the meantime, we all need to do whatever's necessary to stay safe and considerate of others' potentially fragile exposure.

Me too. Grand kid got it. We had him here before they knew he had been exposed. Picked up our online order of groceries @ Sam's. They put in back of the car. People are panic buying again. They were out of quite a few things. About a week to go. Working in the yard, cleaned windows, cleaned my desk mess, reading a book, going crazy.
I have been to my office exactly twice since March 1.
It's been a mixed blessing. I get more done working from home but I miss see my colleagues.
Stay healthy Dave!
Two of my sons have been doing the exact same thing since March - with the exact same observation. This too shall pass.
It seems like those of us who can stay home and get bored or fed up are fortunate. Imagine what front line health workers are going through having to deal with a tsunami of patients. And then there are the seriously ill who got sick through no fault of their own.
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