BXA tool post on PM1228?


Mar 24, 2022
I recently ordered a PM833TV mill (in stock) and PM 1340GT (ETA Dec). The mill will be ready to ship early next week and I decided I need a lathe sooner than the 1340GT will be available. PM has 1228s w DRO in stock and ready to ship so I changed my order with the intent to upgrade to a 1340TG in the near future. Evidently AXA tool posts and holders are most appropriate for a 1228 sized machine while BXA tool posts and tool holders are right for 1340s......and I'd rather not replace them all when I upgrade. My hope is to sell the 1228 when the 1340 arrives and migrate the tool post and collection of tools over to the new machine at that time.

My questions...is it reasonable to adapt a BXA QC tool post to the smaller lathe? Has anyone here used BXA on a 1228? If so, what was required? Will 1/2" (or 3/8") tools keep me at or below center? Is this the dumbest idea you've ever heard? Any constructive thoughts or ideas?

I'm thinking buy the AXA for the 1228, and use that as a selling point when you want to sell it. That's what I did anyway.
Well, I'm no expert but I am using a BXA on my PM-1236T and it work as far as I can tell perfect. By the way that is what was recommended from Precision Matthews.

I would think you're going to be just fine using the BXA tool post.

Aukai, that same thought occurred to me and I may go that way. That said, I can see having $400-$500 into a tool post and tool holders that would need to be replaced and not really getting much for the ones going away with the 1228. Thanks

JFF, I see that BXA tools are listed as accessories on the 1236T and 1236 order forms whereas ASA are listed for the 1228. I'm not sure if the spindle center is lower in reference to the cross slide on the smaller machine. I'm also not sure if the reference pin diameter is different between them. I did send an email to sales@precisionmatthews.com asking this question. Maybe they'll get get back to me tomorrow. Thanks.
I sent you a DM on this topic - hope it helps.
Either the A or the B will work fine on a 12" depending on the top of the cross slide to CL of spindle . I ran an AXA Aloris on the 12" with never any issues . 13" will need a BXA just because the jump from a 12" to a 13" lathe is a big leap in machine size . If I was going your route , I would go with the BXA . Buy once , cry once . Forget the AXAs and go for the BXAs from the start . :encourage:
You could get your tool post and tool holders from this supplier if you decide to swap to the larger BXA size. Actually, I believe a number of us have purchased tool posts and holders from this guy. I have no issues with mine.
I am just getting up an running on my 1228 and the AXA seems to fit perfectly.
I have one 5/8" tool and I am going to be posting a separate thread questioning whether it's too high even when the holder is as low as it can go. My concern would be that the BXA might be too high for a lot of tools.
All good suggestions and I appreciate the input.

PM responded to my question with the following "Hello, sorry, the BXA will not work on that machine. It’s too big and not the correct threads to attach." It's not clear to me whether "too big" means too tall or too robust. I presume "not the right threads to attach" references the T-nut size at bottom of the mounting stud. Manufacturing a new T-nut of the appropriate size/thread seems simple enough providing the slot allows clearance for a larger dia stud.

Is there a chance that someone with a 1228 would post a measurement from top of compound to Center Line of their spindle? It would also be helpful to know diameter of BXA/AXA studs and compound slot widths.

Again, thanks all.
Just a heads up, the 1228 does not have a t-nut, there is just a bolt that threads directly into the compound.