anybody use mandrels?

I don't know if there is a another way to do the same kind of work that mandrels do (i am sure there is). I use them often and i like the solid mandrels more now that i have a bunch to mess up.
Well a bunch of things I make are made using madrels, I have solid and expanding.
1st pic is of cutting a taper for a Pullmax collet, Atlas 12"

These are a couple of small English Wheel lower anvils I made for a 1980's Dollar stretcher Ewheel. I cut the radii with a Holridge Radii cutter on my SB lathe, somewhere I have pics. Got to make a couple of sets here soon. but I'm slow! That is why we call it the Slow shoppe! even have theme music...:thumbsup:

littlewheel 009.jpg

cuttingtaper10.jpg littlewheel 009.jpg