This morning the wife and I went for a nice drive up to the town of Rutland. They have one of those guys that has a perpetual garage sale. Well now I guess he's selling the building, which looks like it was one time a three-bay commercial garage. He didn't have much in the way of tools, but I did get a nice old cast iron pipe cutting clamp and some other stuff. I missed the pipe bender which somebody got to just before me. I told the guy I was looking for bar stock and hardware. He said he usually gave all steel stock he found to a woman who was a welder (boy, that would be handy). He did show me a plastic tub that had some nuts, washers, etc. that were semi-organized. I had a nice find - a box of 7/16-14 hex head bolts, 2" long. What made it nice is that they were from Reed & Prince in Worcester. I bought them of course.
They had some rust on them, but I put them in the tumbler with my swarf-and-motor-oil mix. About 120 minutes per batch:
They were made here:
This from over ten years ago:
"Disposition of the Property
The 10.5 acre industrial mill site will be redeveloped into a 68, 652 - sq/ft Price Chopper Supermarket. The project required the demolition and removal of the existing 230,250 - sq/ft industrial mill complex."
The supermarket has been there for at least ten years.
Oh well, at least the company is still making fasteners here in Massachusetts.
By the way, "Reed" was from the same family that made Reed & Prentiss and Vernon metal lathes.