1.25" OD 6.5" stickout too much?


Active User
Apr 19, 2011
Thru hole in my 5" chuck is < 1" and jaws are only supporting about 3/4". I need to drill and tap a 1/2-13 thread for 1". I do not have steady rest. Is this possible or too risky?
The main focus would be to get the hole started in the middle so I would start with a small center
drill to establish the center point. After that one could work up a couple drill sizes till you have
a hole suitable to tap. With reasonable care, I would think your setup would work out just fine.
If you didnt need the full length you can machine part of it down to an 1" so you could fit it into the spindle bore for added support.
You're learnin Brent ! :encourage: Plus , if he has a mill , he could use it .
It would most likely be fine . Just don't crank it down so hard that you spring your chuck jaws . And as Alcap said , indicate the end in before CDing and drilling . Start small and work your way up to 7/16" or 23/64" . I take it no 4 jaw chuck ?
Could a 1 time use steady rest be made from wood?
Not a problem since the forces are centered on the axis of rotation. Part just has to be running true before you start. Even if it's not the only problem will be that the hole is off center.
I'd put an indicator on the far end and tap it until it runs true. You'll have no problem drilling a center hole.