Burgmaster Turret Drill Press

Man, I wish I had know to at least ask. I've come across 1 or 2 items from him that I thought were high, everything else was very reasonable. It has been mostly small stuff though.
At the time,I had a much smaller shop,too,and was cramped for space. Now,I have a much larger shop,and am cramped for space. :)
You lucky dog you. One of these days I'm gonna have one of those. They command top dollar here even in bad condition.
I'd be interested in one if they look good and you can make the deal. I'm in TX, but we can figure out shopping if it happens.

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Lol, shipping that is
Anyone know where I can get a replacement drive belt for the Bergie? Only lead I found was for replacement parts at a place called Mar-Matt Co but the info is pretty old. I don't need parts, would just like a spare belt.

EDIT: Found
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