Unnecessary stuff that you can't live without


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 28, 2016
Over the years, there have been a few things that I've looked at, or looked over, that I always thought 'ok, thats nice, but why would I ever need one of those'... then, after acquiring one (for whatever reason), I realized just how much I have always needed one and didn't realize it...

A few that comes to mind is: a Leatherman multi-tool, a motorcycle jack, a portaband saw, a sawzall, and a pallet jack.

I never needed any of these until I had one, now I can't seem to do anything without them...

Am I nuts? Lol!

Anyway, I just picked this up this morning...


My old jack died last week... I had bought it cheap off c-list about a year ago. I bought it for one specific job... but I use it surprisingly often, so I had to replace it...

Does anybody else suffer from this affliction?

Never heard of this affliction that you speak of. Is there a cure? o_O

More and more I am hunting a pallet jack. I didn't pull the trigger during the auction earlier this month and have a tad of remorse.
I re-worked an engine hoist earlier this year and that is coming in handy.
Moving heavy items now-a-days, seems to require additional analysis. :grin:
Ditto. I have the same experience on loads of stuff - especially on the pallet jack. A friend of mine has one that he brought over here to help me move my lathe and mill about a year ago. He left it here because he didn't have much use or room for it. I've used that thing more in the last year than he did in the last five.

He doesn't know it yet, but I ain't givin' it back.
A cheap 15 dollar HF angle grinder. Went for years without one, but wouldn't be without now. Not only for grinding but for cutting too. Invaluable.
And my two bandsaws, a 4x6 and a little Ryobi. Great labor savers
I think my hacksaw is jealous
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