You know you are a Hobby-Machinist when....

If you think about the smell of cutting fluid burning on a tool bit, when your at your day job. Or the metal chips from your pockets leave little rust stains on the bathroom tile.
When you spent more time restoring the machine than using it.
I always love this thread.

You know your a hobby machinist when you remake a part 3 times to get it just perfect and its a free favor for a friend.

You know your a hobby machinist when a friend ask you to help fix his $30 push mower and you pull out $100 in stainless sheet and the tig welder.

When your wife says you talk in your sleep about your machines and not about your girlfriend. "jawdrop:
When you spend 8 hours a day 5 days a week at an unrelated day-job and 6 hours every evening and 10 hours each on Saturday and Sunday in your garage shop.
you leave your car outside in the snow and freezing temps because you need the space inthe garage
to work on your latest found old machine .

you spend 1.5 days on making a part realising in the last 10 min that you got it wrong .
then you think pfffffffff i see it as a test piece i will make another one 2x better and in 1/2 of the time

keep bying parts and stuff you probably, one day , maybe, in some case, may need, to do a minor job
When you start looking for the next machining expo in order to plan your vacation. Cabin Fever sounds good.
when the highlight of your week is Saturday morning dumpster diving at the local scrap yard
When every new or new to you tool/machine tool gets taken apart

A) To move it to its new home

B) To see how it works

C) To see if you can make improvements to it

D) All of the above
When you actually know who VonDutch was !!