Yet another common carrier rant, this time FedEx

The carrier will never volenteer that they "lost" a package. They hope that the recipient will not bother to follow up on, because if you do follow up and the shipper follows up then they have to send the shipper a check and they hate writing checks.
Every carrier disappoints once in a while, and they're all about on the same level in that regard. ................................. At the end of the day it's a small miracle that we can ship stuff as inexpensively as we do.

I can accept that, but at least do not lie about delivery dates!

As a smart man once said:
I have to take responsibility for things, why shouldn't they?

One day the door bell rang. I was surprised to find a woman holding my FedExpress package. She said that she was following the FedEx truck which was speeding down the road with the back door flapping open and my package fell out. She said it was easier to just bring me my package rather than trying to chase down the speeding driver! After profusely thanking her I called FedEx and had a word or two with them.
Time to open the thread up:

According to FedEx, I have something coming from a promotional company in Florida (maybe a contest prize?). What’s important is the path this shipment has taken so far; originally expected yesterday, then today and now Friday:


As a reminder, I live in Pennsylvania.