Worthless Tools Gallery. What Tools do you regret buying?

2-stroke powered anything!
Weed whackers, chain saws, leaf blowers, drink mixers, outboard motors.

Those things hate me. 1 season of almost decent usage. The next year (after replacing the spark plug AND mixing up a fresh batch of fuel) manage to get a frustrating use or two out of it.

Give me 120 or 240 VAC or 4-stroke (preferably, Diesel). Anything less is not worth the trouble.

Imagine the damage one could do with a Diesel-powered chain saw? :tranquility:

Well, that gets a man to thinking:laughing:...
a Detroit 8V92 or better yet, 3408 Cat :grin:
Lets see a tile saw that was used once, a 3/4 drive ratchet & socket set from HF and a USA ratchet and breaker bar from Craftsman those were really expensive. I only acquired another set of USA made 3/4 drive ratchets from a yard sale for a few pennies. HF plastic welder trashed it after 2 uses, HF stick welder, recycled the welder since it was given to me. The old HF wrenches are junk but i'll be honest they make awesome platforms for things like lathe chuck wrench holders when configured correctly and even better spanner wrenches. A drill driven water pump from HF tossed that 3 weeks ago.

I don't often regret buying tools when I do they either get returned, tossed, or turned into something else. Like the lawnmower deck in my avatar, it got turned in a movable base for a foundry furnace-that I dont have time to melt in.